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— 2020
45° 32’ 17.38” N
122° 40’ 18.715” W
23 alumni
920 days
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Lift Off is a portfolio showcase for the graduating class of PNCA's Illustration and Design programs. The site was designed and developed by Oskar Radon under the direction of Kristin Rogers Brown as part of an internship with the Graphic Design program at PNCA in the Summer of 2020. All images are copyright of their respective artists.

For more information about our programs at Pacific Northwest College of Art, visit, and see more from majors in Graphic Design here and Illustration here.

To stay in touch, sign up to receive very occasional updates! We’d usually keep these to invitations to critiques and events, or to announce the launch of our next graduating crew.

The body text of this site is set in Literal Grotesk designed by Steven Xue ’19, in 2019. The display text and pullquotes are set in BL Arctic, designed by Sam G. Hughes for BoulevardLAB in 2020. Accent text is set in Agipo Mono designed by Radim Peško for RP Digital Foundry in 2014.

Textures and images layered with the artwork featured throughout the site were collected throughout the 511 Building at Pacific Northwest College of Art in March, 2020. The design for Liftoff 2020, always intended to reference this place and time, took on new significance as we found new ways to connect beyond these walls and truly move with each other into the next phase of our creative lives.

Special thanks to:

Michael Gubitosa, Bijan Berahimi, Rob Lewis, David Chathas, Joanna Papaleo, Mallary Wilson, Sundhya Anthony, Rudi Szilvasy, Jason Scheuermann

Kristin Rogers Brown, Department Head in Graphic Design
Martin French, Department Head in Illustration and Design Arts Chair
Chelsea Stephen, Design Arts Program Assistant


Image of Oskar Radon backpacking on the Timberline trail, he is looking down holding trekking poles and wearing a backpack

Oskar Radon is a digital product designer, graphic designer, and front-end web developer living and working in Portland, Oregon. His passions include: backpacking, reading, biking, and climbing. His favorite season is fall. His favorite tree is the California redwood.


Image of Kali Wallner light using green and blue gels, she is staring off to the left and holding her bolo tie with both hands

Kali was born in 1997 and was raised in Forest Grove, Oregon. She attended the Art Institute of Portland directly after high school to pursue a career in commercial photography. While taking classes, Kali built up a studio lighting practice based around editorial, fashion, and food photography. She also was able to photograph for the Slip Magazine Club during her time at Ai, which included helping style shoots, collaborating with other majors to create a cohesive and unified idea, and building a seasonal magazine for two years. After the unfortunate closing of the Art Institute in 2018, Kali transferred to Pacific Northwest College of Art where she is now finishing up her degree, pursuing a deeper focus on expanding her fine art and personal practice.